Chhim Sothy


(in English)

Chhim Sothy was born in Kandal Province in 1969 and was old enough to remember the worst of times in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge when his father was killed and family flyed away in Exil.

After the war, and studying, he graduated from the Royal University of Fine Arts in 1996, and joined the Chantiers Ecoles de Formation Professionelle in Siem Reap in 1997.

He works now as an important Director for the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts in Phnom Penh.

His art embodies traditionalism with modern European painterliness.

He wanted to express his emotions to the change in Phnom Penh as seen in his lifetime: from 'Year zero' of the Khmer Rouge till now. On one hand, there is construction, development and growth. On the other hand, there is hardship where people have no homes to sleep in, and nowhere to go. This inequality is present in his works, and the reality as seen on the streets of Phnom Penh.

The breadth of Chhim Sothy's oeuvre will be immediately apparent to anyone who has seen "The Life of The Streets" exhibition. This unique fluency of style resonates strongly with the complex cultural tensions of Phnom Penh in recent times. And the new city coming (City-Sothy) with high buildings changing the view stay "his city" between Urbanity and Humanity"

He has exhibited widely in Cambodia and has been represented at the 2008 Chinese International Art Biennale, and at exhibitions in Indonesia, Singapore, Paris France and provinces, Yvory Coast in Africa, Philippines, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand many times and he is present in the United States.

Now 2023 Exhibition URBAN VISION in Phnom Penh

(en français)

Originaire de Phnom Penh, Chhim Sothy connait une enfance dramatique et en exil. Ce sont néanmoins durant ses années qu’il développe une passion pour le dessin. Cette passion qui l’anime toujours autant après quatre décennies.

Son talent de dessinateur va surgir a son entrée entre à l’Université des Beaux-Arts de Phnom Penh. Il va alors apprendre, créer et dessiner, tout en réalisant des cartes postales et des affiches pour subvenir à ses besoin jusqu’à ce qu’il rejoigne les Chantiers-Ecoles de Siem Reap.

Les années 2000 voient son épanouissement professionnel, se colorant de nombreux prix au-delà des frontières de son pays. Il devient ensuite Directeur des Arts Plastiques au Ministère de la Culture et des Beaux-Arts.

Chhim Sothy propose aujourd’hui un regard, entre abstrait et concret, une approche de ce que la petite ville devient lorsqu’elle se transforme en métropole.

Entre peinture à l’eau ou à l’huile, Sothy se joue du développement urbain, entre ombres et lumières. De la tradition et du figuratif, l’artiste évolue en même temps que son regard sur les choses et les gens.